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DC πεδίοΤιμήΓλώσσα
dc.contributor.authorΠαρασκευαδάκη, Εύαel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΠαπαθανασίου, Σ.el_GR
dc.contributor.authorΒόκας, Γεώργιοςel_GR
dc.description.abstractPhotovoltaic system performance is influenced by a variety of factors such as irradiance, temperature, shading, degradation, mismatch losses, soiling, etc. Especially shading, complete or partial, can have a significant contribution to the reduction of power output, depending mainly on the PV array configuration, the shading pattern and the existence of bypass diodes incorporated in the PV module design. In order to obtain the maximum power from a PV generator, it is of great importance to evaluate the complex effects of shading on the P-V and I-V curves.el_GR
dc.format.extentσελ. 391-398el_GR
dc.titleEffects of partial shading on the PV module characteristic curvesel_GR
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