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DC πεδίοΤιμήΓλώσσα
dc.contributor.authorΜυτιληναίος, Στέλιοςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΠαναγιώτου, Στυλιανόςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΒαρλάμος, Παντελήςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΚαψάλης, Χρήστοςel_GR
dc.description.abstractRadio channel observation and characterization is indispensable in mobile communications systems development. Efficient propagation prediction is crucial for rapid and cost-effective systems deployment. On-site measurements, statistical models, propagation prediction and deterministic modeling are widely used for the qualification of radio channels. In this paper, a simulation tool for deterministic channel modeling in indoor environments is evolved. A hybrid combination of the Method-Of-Moments (MoM) and the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (Utd) is used. Statistical characteristics of a simple office room are calculated and the results are in excellent agreement with corresponding results of relative research on the field.el_GR
dc.format.extentσελ. 1231-1243el_GR
dc.titleIndoor environments propagation simulation using a hybrid MoM and UTD electromagnetic methodel_GR
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