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DC πεδίοΤιμήΓλώσσα
dc.contributor.authorΣταθόπουλος, Νικόλαοςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΣαββίδης, Στυλιανόςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΣίμος, Ηρακλήςel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΡαγκούση, Μαρίαel_GR
dc.contributor.authorKervalishvili, Paatael_GR
dc.description.abstractThe structure of an active Erbium-Doped Distributed Bragg Reflector (ED-DBR) and a Fiber Bragg Grating (ED-FBG) is simulated using a rigorous transmission line model and an approximate version of the coupled-mode theory, respectively. The basic calculation steps and assumptions of the proposed simulation models are described and the key parameters that determine the devices’ reflection characteristics are in detail discussed. By applying the proposed transmission line model, numerical results are provided for both spectral reflectivity and transparency response for an active-slab DBR with increased erbium-ion concentration. In addition, using coupled-mode theory for the simulation of the cylindrical geometry of the ED-FBG device, the pump power-dependent reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained and their potential use in active sensor applications are discussed.el_GR
dc.format.extentσελ. 369-377el_GR
dc.titleSimulation and properties of Erbium-Doped Distributed Bragg Reflectors (ED-DBRs) and Fiber Bragg Gratings (ED-FBGsel_GR
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